“In a real sense, all life is inter-related. All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the inter-related structure of reality.” – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our Peace Brain Programs & Classes are made for a variety of audiences and are empowering! Come have fun, be thoughtful, learn new ways of exploring your world, and find answers you never knew were there. Change your environment and society by bringing peace into your heart and mirroring this Peace into the world. It is practical. It is powerful. It is possible. Come take one of our programs and experience this magic for yourself!

What is "Peace Brain"?
Peace Brain is a term that we created to indicate a peaceful mind, body, spirit. Peace Brain is the synergistic connection between our mental and emotional bodies – the blending of the electrical power of the mind with the magnetic force of the heart. We humans cannot exercise our complete capabilities and innate gifts to manifest true Peace on Earth unless our Peace Brain is engaged, with these biological and spiritual centers working as one. Unity is the goal.

What are the benefits of teaching peace?
Peace has many dimensions. We can create and recognize peace not only in our physical actions but also in the subtle world around us – the world of the unseen but clearly felt. Peace is an ancient vibration that we can tune into and align with. Mother Nature embodies Peace – her ecosystems, animal societies and plant communities exhibit and value concepts of Peace such as Diversity, Cooperation, Interdependence, Unity and Respect.
Peace is not inaction or boring – it is the very foundation of creativity, success, freedom and justice. Peace affords us the liberty to explore, think out of the box, and develop new wisdom and solutions to age-old concerns.
Teaching Peace concepts, tools and games to children can give them a framework from which to think, speak, act and to create a new peaceful mindset. Adults can bring these Peace Principles into one’s inner self, the workplace, family and any relationship.
Peace can be implemented by institutions, civic organizations and the public in general. Peace is about creating community, getting to know one another, working together for win-win solutions and providing hospitality to all. It is in recognizing our differences, but not letting these differences get in the way of understanding and appreciation for our diverse, collective wisdom and unity.
Your institution, business, group, or home can also be a place of Peace. Come assist us in bringing Peace into every aspect of daily life. Make Peace a part of Your Mission!

Part 1: Activate Your Peace Brain
This first module covers a broad spectrum of topics and exercises. We begin with what is a Peace Brain, and why it is so important. We look at the science behind the value of a Peace Brain, and then explore how ancient and contemporary spiritual teachings confirm this. We look at how to develop your Peace Brain, clear any fears and limitations that may hold you back, and begin to access the wisdom from your Peace Brain instantly. When you begin to live from your Peace Brain, you can create an amazing life, and bring into your daily experiences a sense of well-being, freedom, accomplishment and ease.

Part 2: Create a Peace Brain Society
This second module teaches universal Peace Principles, and asks the questions: What is working well now in your personal life and in today’s society? What needs to change? What would a peaceful community look like, and what would be in it? We examine our personal relationships, community programs and various institutions – economic, food, transportation, health, education and more – and look at how these can operate in harmony with the earth and its ecological systems. These natural systems are reviewed and used as models for success. We step lightly into quantum mechanics and observe how its new physics and findings support a more holistic society – one where energy is positively and freely created, and can ultimately be managed with every thought, emotion and deed.

Part 3: Your Peace Brain Service
This third module opens the doors to assist you in identifying and implementing your personal contribution to making this new, Peace Brain Society happen in your local community and on the planet. What are your special talents and gifts? How can your skills, desires and knowledge contribute to a world where peace is a normal way of being? Realize this: Peace is not boring, dull or inactive! Peace is the foundation for all creativity, success and adventure, and it takes a lot of dedicated work and cooperation to manifest. Using your Peace Brain, you will discover your unique service, and be given the opportunity to make it happen. We are excited about creating ways for your acts of Peace Brain Service to be shared globally, and for those who wish, to join in!

Part 4: Train the Trainer
We are creating a series of training modules for those who wish to spread these Peace Brain teachings out into the world. If you are interested in becoming a Peace Brain Trainer, please contact us! Help us create Peace on Earth, with ease and grace.