“On this day of your life, dear ones, I believe God wants you to know that a new world is upon you and all peoples of the earth. A different tomorrow awaits. Nothing is going to be the way it was before. Not your finances, not your politics, not your work life, not your relationships, not the way you experience your spirituality – all of it is changing… and going to continue to change. The only question remaining: Will you be part author of those continuing changes, or merely one who is impacted by them?” Neale Donald Walsch
Join us in being a co-author of a new world, and creating a different tomorrow based on peace and well-being for humans, animals, and the planet!
1. Peace Master Plans
A Peace Master Plan is a framework to re-define your organization as a tranquil and verdant oasis in an over-scheduled and uncertain world. We use interactive, on-site workshops to identify key areas that can be aligned to support your new peace mission. Through various forms of presentations, discussions and exercises, we weave together the story of your business into how it can be re-imagined as a Peace Park, complete with an outdoor peace garden and peace programs for your employees, visitors, and community. You have chosen to #OptForPeace, and can be featured on our World Peace Trails map!
2. Labyrinths & Peace Poles

Labyrinths and Peace Poles: These are used in various ways to designate your Peace Park. Labyrinths are ancient symbols and meditation spaces that have graced many cultures for at least the last 5000 years. Walk this path of twists and turns like Life! You will always find your center. Peace Poles are from the World Peace Prayer Society, an affiliate of the United Nations, and say “May Peace Prevail On Earth” in many languages. We connect these Peace Parks geographically into Peace Trails, both within your community and worldwide! Come be a Peace Explorer, and embrace peace.
3. World Peace Trails

Peace Trails are strings of Peace Parks – perhaps there are five locations in one area, creating Trail A; thirteen locations in another area, making Trail B, nine locations in another area, forming Trail C. Our goal is to create an extensive web of Peace Trails around the world – bringing concepts and practices of Peace to the forefront in local communities and global travel experiences. World Peace Trails is an online community of peace builders and their Peace Parks. Do you have a peace garden, Peace Pole, peace statue, school vegetable garden, or labyrinth to share? We invite you to join our World Peace Trails! http://worldpeacetrails.com
4. “Peace Brain” Education
Our Peace Brain Education is multi-faceted and comprehensive. “Peace Brain” is a term that we created to indicate a peaceful mind, body, and spirit. Peace Brain is the synergistic connection between our mental and emotional bodies – the blending of the electrical power of the mind with the magnetic force of the heart. Teaching peace concepts, tools and games gives participants a framework from which to think, speak, act in peaceful ways and create a new peace mindset. You can bring these Peace Principles into your inner self, workplace, family and all relationships. Unity through diversity is the goal.
5. Akashic Records Readings

Your Akashic Records, or “Book of Life”, are the library of your Soul’s lives – past, present, and future. Your librarians are the Akashic Record Keepers – a council of whom you may ask questions and receive answers from this 100% God Light. Gail opens your Records, and you may ask questions about almost anything: business decisions, issues at work, introductions to your Teachers and Guides, interpersonal relationships, what blocks might be in the way, how you might handle a situation with grace and ease, and more! Get clarity on your next steps forward, and hear the wisdom of your Soul!
6. Alchemy of Peace Classes

Alchemy of Peace is the spiritual side of Tourism For Peace. Our Alchemy of Peace classes and meditations honor our needs to be both physical and spiritual. Come learn about energy, metaphysics, sacred geometry, and how to live in Love and Light. We offer you effective tools and strategies that will empower you to walk in well-being, harmony and oneness with all life, neutral yet compassionate to the chaos and anxiety of everyday life. You can then be free to create the life that you really want. Our foundational course is “Alchemy of Peace: Living From Your Sacred Heart”.
7. Peace Coaching Sessions

Our Peace Coaching Sessions with Alchemy of Peace expert, Dr. Gail Lash, are opportunities to get clarity on issues and questions in your life, and to focus on wellbeing (health, harmony, happiness). Gail provides these coaching services around your personal issues to master your health, business, relationships, finances, life goals and next steps, and to assist you in creating solutions to move forward with joy and ease. She uses her intuitive and scientific knowledge, written exercises, art, guided meditation, and dialogue to help you identify and achieve a peaceful state of awareness. You become the inspired architect of your own life!
8. Intuitive Energy Readings

Einstein said that everything is energy: your chair, your body, your thoughts. As energetic beings, we are susceptible to energy “thrown” at us, in the forms of people’s emotions, demands and beliefs. When we get filled up with other people’s energy – we are running our lives on their “computer program” and not ours. When our energy gets misaligned, then the flow slows and we get stuck in the mud! An intuitive reading can bring awareness to where you are stuck, and whose energy you are holding – and assist you in releasing it. Be ready for miracles and exciting changes!
9. Animal Communication

Communicating with animals is natural. It is getting into your heart space and connecting with love and gratitude. Pets and wildlife are like people, too! They are here to mirror the issues that we are working on, and to help heal the planet. In a session, you come with behavioral questions or specific issues to address. We work with your pet, or using a photo of your pet. We also work with zoos and aquariums to address the needs of animals under human care, as well as wild animals who might be coming into conflict with humans, or need extra protection.
10. Peace Eco-Tours

Our tours are opportunities to get to know new hosts and guests around the world. We have (at most) only one trip per year – usually to a sacred area of the world, and where our labor might be useful to the host family or community. We learn about wildlife, natural systems, and how we are interconnected to all of Nature and peoples. It is particularly important for young people to travel and experience cultural and biological diversity. We teach peace classes to compliment any science project or spiritual service. Stay tuned for our next Peace Eco-tour adventure!
11. Ecotourism Consulting

Ecotourism is a growing way for communities (and countries) to gain revenue from their local natural resources, with the goal of conserving these natural assets. Community-based ecotourism (CBE) Planning can assist in sustaining and enhancing the livelihood of rural peoples, and is a fundamental part of global solutions to alleviating poverty and to supporting urban populations. Tourism, on an ecological scale, and at the community level, can be a catalyst for this change. We work with women’s groups and local NGOs to help residents determine a sustainable plan, and how to best move forward with future generations in mind.
12. Zoo Design: Ursa International

We design wildlife habitats and zoological parks and gardens. Ursa offers strong leadership in planning and building tomorrow’s conservation/education facilities in National Forests, National Parks, Zoos, Museums, Aquariums, Botanical Gardens, Private Wildlife Reserves, and Nature Centers, worldwide. Ursa works with individuals, villages, towns, and cities to unite the human community with both development and preservation of local natural habitats. Ursa is particularly skilled in implementing a “team approach” to achieve client’s goals for complex projects. http://ursainternational.org/
As a team, Nevin and Gail, comfortably meet the requirements of ‘project technical director’ and certainly have excellent international experience and qualification in the unique field of zoo planning and ex-situ endangered species management. They also possess an extensive network of international professional colleagues including myself upon whom they can call for specialized advice. On a personal level, you will find them collaborative, congenial and easy to work with as well as highly professional.
Gail, I cannot thank you enough for supporting me and standing by me through this, giving me the strength to see it through. You are one of those amazing people who make things happen, who spark positive changes in all situations, and who influence people in such a beautiful magnificent way. You have certainly influenced me, and I thank you.
My session with Gail was at a time of fairly profound instability in my life. I was feeling so lost… rudderless. Her coaching brought so much clarity and resonated with me on such a deep level, that it gave me the strength to move forward and embrace my path. I cannot thank you enough, Gail, for that gift of clarity. What I’m being asked to do, at this point in my life, is not easy but it makes sense and I can make peace with it because of that. Thank you so much!
I am very grateful to Gail and the guides for the Akashic Records reading I received. I feel that the information was presented in a very clear and concise manner and much of it resonated well with that which I already knew to be true. The insight I received will be invaluable to me going forward into the next few months and I look forward to scheduling a follow-up session. Also, I felt immense wellbeing for several days after the reading! Gail’s manner is professional and light-hearted and I would happily recommend her as an Akashic Records reader.